EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW | PosedDistanceField (const Eigen::Vector3d &size, const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, double resolution, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false) |
void | updatePose (const Eigen::Isometry3d &transform) |
const Eigen::Isometry3d & | getPose () const |
double | getDistanceGradient (double x, double y, double z, double &gradient_x, double &gradient_y, double &gradient_z, bool &in_bounds) const |
| Gets not only the distance to the nearest cell but the gradient direction. The point defined by the x, y and z values is transform into the local distance field coordinate system using the current pose. The gradient is computed as a function of the distances of near-by cells. An uninitialized distance is returned if the cell is not valid for gradient production purposes. More...
bool | getCollisionSphereGradients (const std::vector< CollisionSphere > &sphere_list, const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &sphere_centers, GradientInfo &gradient, const CollisionType &type, double tolerance, bool subtract_radii, double maximum_value, bool stop_at_first_collision) |
| PropagationDistanceField (double size_x, double size_y, double size_z, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double origin_z, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false) |
| Constructor that initializes entire distance field to empty - all cells will be assigned maximum distance values. All units are arbitrary but are assumed for documentation purposes to represent meters. More...
| PropagationDistanceField (const octomap::OcTree &octree, const octomap::point3d &bbx_min, const octomap::point3d &bbx_max, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false) |
| Constructor based on an OcTree and bounding box information. A distance field will be constructed with dimensions based on the supplied bounding box at the resolution of the OcTree. All octree obstacle cells will be added to the resulting distance field using the DistanceField::addOcTreeToField function. More...
| PropagationDistanceField (std::istream &stream, double max_distance, bool propagate_negative_distances=false) |
| Constructor that takes an istream and reads the contents of a saved distance field, adding all obstacle points and running propagation given the arguments for max_distance and propagate_negative_distances. Calls the function readFromStream. More...
| ~PropagationDistanceField () override |
| Empty destructor. More...
void | addPointsToField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points) override |
| Add a set of obstacle points to the distance field, updating distance values accordingly. The distance field may already contain obstacle cells. More...
void | removePointsFromField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points) override |
| Remove a set of obstacle points from the distance field, updating distance values accordingly. More...
void | updatePointsInField (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &old_points, const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &new_points) override |
| This function will remove any obstacle points that are in the old point set but not the new point set, and add any obstacle points that are in the new block set but not the old block set. Any points that are in both sets are left unchanged. For more information see DistanceField::updatePointsInField. More...
void | reset () override |
| Resets the entire distance field to max_distance for positive values and zero for negative values. More...
double | getDistance (double x, double y, double z) const override |
| Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the world coordinate. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance. More...
double | getDistance (int x, int y, int z) const override |
| Get the distance value associated with the cell indicated by the index coordinates. If the cell is invalid, max_distance will be returned. If running without negative distances, all obstacle cells will have zero distance. If running with negative distances, the distance will be between -max_distance and max_distance, with no values having a 0 distance. More...
bool | isCellValid (int x, int y, int z) const override |
| Determines whether or not the cell associated with the supplied indices is valid for this distance field. More...
int | getXNumCells () const override |
| Gets the number of cells along the X axis. More...
int | getYNumCells () const override |
| Gets the number of cells along the Y axis. More...
int | getZNumCells () const override |
| Gets the number of cells along the Z axis. More...
bool | gridToWorld (int x, int y, int z, double &world_x, double &world_y, double &world_z) const override |
| Converts from an set of integer indices to a world location given the origin and resolution parameters. More...
bool | worldToGrid (double world_x, double world_y, double world_z, int &x, int &y, int &z) const override |
| Converts from a world location to a set of integer indices. Should return false if the world location is not valid in the distance field, and should populate the index values in either case. More...
bool | writeToStream (std::ostream &stream) const override |
| Writes the contents of the distance field to the supplied stream. More...
bool | readFromStream (std::istream &stream) override |
| Reads, parameterizes, and populates the distance field based on the supplied stream. More...
double | getUninitializedDistance () const override |
| Gets a distance value for an invalid cell. More...
const PropDistanceFieldVoxel & | getCell (int x, int y, int z) const |
| Gets full cell data given an index. More...
const PropDistanceFieldVoxel * | getNearestCell (int x, int y, int z, double &dist, Eigen::Vector3i &pos) const |
| Gets nearest surface cell and returns distance to it. More...
int | getMaximumDistanceSquared () const |
| Gets the maximum distance squared value. More...
| DistanceField (double size_x, double size_y, double size_z, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double origin_z) |
| Constructor, where units are arbitrary but are assumed to be meters. More...
virtual | ~DistanceField () |
bool | getShapePoints (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose, EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d *points) const |
| Get the points associated with a shape. This is mainly used when the external application needs to cache points. More...
void | addShapeToField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose) |
| Adds the set of points corresponding to the shape at the given pose as obstacle points into the distance field. If the shape is an OcTree, the pose information is ignored and the OcTree is passed to the addOcTreeToField function. More...
void | addOcTreeToField (const octomap::OcTree *octree) |
| Adds an octree to the distance field. Cells that are occupied in the octree that lie within the voxel grid are added to the distance field. The octree can represent either a larger or smaller volume than the distance field. If the resolution of the octree is less than or equal to the resolution of the distance field then the center of each leaf cell of the octree will be added to the distance field. If the resolution of the octree is greater than a 3D volume of the correct resolution will be added for each occupied leaf node. More...
void | moveShapeInField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &old_pose, const Eigen::Isometry3d &new_pose) |
| Moves the shape in the distance field from the old pose to the new pose, removing points that are no longer obstacle points, and adding points that are now obstacle points at the new pose. This function will discretize both shapes, and call the updatePointsInField function on the old and new point sets. More...
void | removeShapeFromField (const shapes::Shape *shape, const Eigen::Isometry3d &pose) |
| All points corresponding to the shape are removed from the distance field. More...
double | getDistanceGradient (double x, double y, double z, double &gradient_x, double &gradient_y, double &gradient_z, bool &in_bounds) const |
| Gets not only the distance to the nearest cell but the gradient direction. The gradient is computed as a function of the distances of near-by cells. An uninitialized distance is returned if the cell is not valid for gradient production purposes. The gradient is pointing out of the obstacle - thus to recover the closest obstacle point, the normalized gradient value is multiplied by the distance and subtracted from the cell's location, as shown below. More...
void | getIsoSurfaceMarkers (double min_distance, double max_distance, const std::string &frame_id, const rclcpp::Time &stamp, visualization_msgs::msg::Marker &marker) const |
| Get an iso-surface for visualization in rviz. The iso-surface shows every cell that has a distance in a given range in the distance field. The cells are added as a visualization_msgs::msg::Marker::CUBE_LIST in the namespace "distance_field". More...
void | getGradientMarkers (double min_radius, double max_radius, const std::string &frame_id, const rclcpp::Time &stamp, visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray &marker_array) const |
| Populates the supplied marker array with a series of arrows representing gradients of cells that are within the supplied range in terms of distance. The markers will be visualization_msgs::msg::Marker::ARROW in the namespace "distance_field_gradient". More...
void | getPlaneMarkers (PlaneVisualizationType type, double length, double width, double height, const Eigen::Vector3d &origin, const std::string &frame_id, const rclcpp::Time &stamp, visualization_msgs::msg::Marker &marker) const |
| Populates a marker with a slice of the distance field in a particular plane. All cells in the plane will be added to the field, with colors associated with their distance. More...
void | getProjectionPlanes (const std::string &frame_id, const rclcpp::Time &stamp, double max_distance, visualization_msgs::msg::Marker &marker) const |
| A function that populates the marker with three planes - one each along the XY, XZ, and YZ axes. For each of the planes, any column on that plane will be marked according to the minimum distance along that column. More...
double | getSizeX () const |
| Gets the distance field size along the X dimension in meters. More...
double | getSizeY () const |
| Gets the distance field size along the Y dimension in meters. More...
double | getSizeZ () const |
| Gets the distance field size along the Z dimension in meters. More...
double | getOriginX () const |
| Gets the origin (minimum value) along the X dimension. More...
double | getOriginY () const |
| Gets the origin (minimum value) along the Y dimension. More...
double | getOriginZ () const |
| Gets the origin (minimum value) along the Z dimension. More...
double | getResolution () const |
| Gets the resolution of the distance field in meters. More...