41 #include <class_loader/class_loader.hpp>
51 return "AlwaysSuccessRequestAdapter";
57 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
68 return "AlwaysSuccessResponseAdapter";
70 void adapt(
const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr& ,
75 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
76 res.
error_code.val = moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
90 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
92 res.
error_code.val = moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
97 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
98 res.
error_code.val = moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
114 planning_interface::PlanningContextPtr
117 moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes& )
const override
119 return std::make_shared<DummyPlanningContext>();
127 return std::string(
a wrapper around moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes to make it easier to return an error code message from...
Base class for a MoveIt planner.
Representation of a particular planning context – the planning scene and the request are known,...
PlanningContext(const std::string &name, const std::string &group)
Construct a planning context named name for the group group.
Concept in MoveIt which can be used to modify the planning problem(pre-processing) in a planning pipe...
Concept in MoveIt which can be used to modify the planning solution (post-processing) in a planning p...
A dummy request adapter that does nothing and is always successful.
std::string getDescription() const override
Get a description of this adapter.
moveit::core::MoveItErrorCode adapt(const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr &, planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest &) const override
Adapt the planning request.
A dummy response adapter that does nothing and is always successful.
std::string getDescription() const override
Get a description of this adapter.
void adapt(const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr &, const planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest &, planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse &res) const override
Adapt the planning response.
A dummy planning manager that does nothing.
~DummyPlannerManager() override
bool canServiceRequest(const planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest &) const override
Determine whether this plugin instance is able to represent this planning request.
planning_interface::PlanningContextPtr getPlanningContext(const planning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr &, const planning_interface::MotionPlanRequest &, moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes &) const override
Construct a planning context given the current scene and a planning request. If a problem is encounte...
std::string getDescription() const override
Get a short string that identifies the planning interface.
A dummy planning context that does nothing and is always successful.
bool terminate() override
If solve() is running, terminate the computation. Return false if termination not possible....
void clear() override
Clear the data structures used by the planner.
void solve(planning_interface::MotionPlanResponse &res) override
Solve the motion planning problem and store the result in res. This function should not clear data st...
void solve(planning_interface::MotionPlanDetailedResponse &res) override
Solve the motion planning problem and store the detailed result in res. This function should not clea...
This namespace includes the base class for MoveIt planners.
moveit_msgs::msg::MotionPlanRequest MotionPlanRequest
CLASS_LOADER_REGISTER_CLASS(default_planning_request_adapters::ResolveConstraintFrames, planning_interface::PlanningRequestAdapter)
moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes error_code
Response to a planning query.
moveit::core::MoveItErrorCode error_code